Celebrating Irish Coffee Day: A Look Back In Time At The Creation Of This Delicious Drink

Celebrating Irish Coffee Day: A Look Back In Time At The Creation Of This Delicious Drink

Cellars Market
Celebrating Irish Coffee Day: A Look Back In Time At The Creation Of This Delicious Drink

With St. Patrick's Day right around the corner, it is time to start celebrating the beloved Irish coffee! This article takes a look back in time at the creation of this delicious drink and shares some fun facts about its popularity throughout the years. From the history of how it was created to the different ways you can make your own today, we have everything you need to know about Irish coffee and why we celebrate it on Irish Coffee Day.

Introduction to Irish Coffee

Irish coffee was invented in the early 1940s by an Irish chef named Joe Sheridan. The story goes that Sheridan was working at an airport in Foynes, Ireland when a group of American passengers came in from a transatlantic flight that had been diverted due to bad weather. Sheridan decided to make them a special coffee to warm them up and cheer them up. He added some whisky to their coffees and topped it off with cream, giving them the first Irish coffees. The Americans loved it and word of this new drink quickly spread. Since then, Irish coffee has become a beloved beverage around the world. And every year on January 25th, we celebrate Irish Coffee Day! So grab a cup of this delicious drink and enjoy!

History of Irish Coffee

The first recorded mention of Irish coffee in the United States came from food writer Stanton Delaplane. He tasted Irish coffee while on a trip to Shannon Airport and was so impressed that he brought the recipe back to San Francisco. There, he introduced it to the head bartender at the Buena Vista Cafe, who began serving it to customers. Irish coffee quickly grew in popularity and is now enjoyed all over the world. On this Irish Coffee Day, we raise a glass to the delicious history of this beloved drink!

How is Irish Coffee made?

Irish coffee is a delicious drink made with coffee, Irish whiskey, and sugar. It is believed that the first Irish coffee was created in the early 1940s by Joe Sheridan, a bartender at the Foynes Flying Boat Club in Ireland. 

To make Irish coffee, you will need: -Coffee -Irish whisky -Sugar -Whipped cream - cocoa powder or chocolate shavings (Optional) First, brew a pot of coffee. While it is brewing, heat up your glass or mug by filling it with hot water from the tap and then emptying it. This will help prevent the glass from cracking when you pour in the hot coffee later. Next, add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar to the bottom of the glass and stir until dissolved. Pour in 60ml of Irish whisky, then fill the glass almost to the top with coffee. Stir gently. Top with whipped cream and enjoy! If you want to get really fancy, you can garnish your Irish coffee with a dusting of cocoa powder or chocolate shavings. Or, if you prefer your coffee on the lighter side, try using whipped cream instead of regular cream. No matter how you make it, Irish coffee is always a tasty treat!

Celebrating Irish Coffee Day

Irish coffee is a delicious drink made with coffee, Irish whiskey, and sugar. It is a popular choice for after dinner drinks or as an afternoon pick-me-up. Irish coffee has been enjoyed by many people around the world since its creation. It is especially popular in the United States and Ireland. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in Irish coffee, with new variations and interpretations of the classic recipe being created. On this Irish Coffee Day, we celebrate this delicious drink and all its variations. Whether you like your Irish coffee classic or with a twist, we hope you enjoy it!

The popularity of Irish Coffee

The original Irish Coffee recipe called for just four simple ingredients: coffee, sugar, Irish whisky, and cream. Over the years, there have been many variations of this classic drink, but the popularity of Irish Coffee has never waned. Whether you enjoy your Irish Coffee with a shot of Jameson or Bailey's, on the rocks or neat, there's no wrong way to celebrate this delicious day!


Irish Coffee Day celebrates the magnificent combination of flavours, energy and tradition in this popular beverage. The history behind it is captivating and the world has been loving Irish coffee ever since its creation. We hope that our look back at this storied drink has inspired you to give Irish coffee a try for yourself or put your own spin on the classic recipe. So next time you’re out celebrating with friends, why not raise a glass of Bailey's -topped coffee to celebrate Irish Coffee Day?

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