Products on Cellars Market's website are sold and shipped from many Sellers around Australia. Each order is dispatched to you directly by the Seller. If you order items from more than one Seller you will receive multiple deliveries. You can see each Seller's delivery charge on the product details page.
When your items have been shipped you will receive confirmation that your delivery is in transit. You can track the delivery of your orders in your Cellars Market account, where you can also contact the Seller directly if you have a query.
Each Seller sets their own shipping charges. Some offer free shipping while others offer free shipping over a total spend. Sellers utilise their own shipping and distribution networks and may charge different rates for shipping on goods. Your order could be sent with Australia Post or national couriers. Some will require a signature upon delivery others will leave it in a safe place. You can designate if you only want to receive your order with a signature.
Delivery personnel only deliver alcohol to the adult in the written instructions received from the Seller and verify the recipient’s age.
Cellars Market requires buyers to provide their date of birth at the checkout. Sellers then see a message in the order details confirming that the buyer entered a date of birth indicating that they are over 18 years of age.
Delivery of alcohol to restricted areas
Some areas in Australia are considered 'dry zones'. A dry zone is an area where the consumption of alcohol is restricted or prohibited. CellarsMarket may block a transaction if a buyer is located in a dry zone and sellers must not sell to customers located in dry zones.
Sellers do not ship alcohol to the following postcodes:
Sellers will not be held liable for: